This page will be a running update of any known support issues, software changes and feature additions.
Newest posting will be at the top of the page.
12/26/2023 – Feature Addition for Checkouts (Legacy vs New Handling automatically closing Checkouts with No Return Date)
The toggle is now available for checklists. Its under your Customer Profile (1st tab under settings) Left hand side of the pop up about 2/3 of the way down “Auto Close Checkout”. Uncheck it to bring back the “old” method of not automatically closing the checkout.
11/27/2023 – Feature Addition for Run Log
Issue: None, just additional feature
Solution: Added additional witness capture for run logs where there is “wastage” of medications being utilized on the run.
a. Additional witness signature checkbox added under “Company Details” Settings/Company Details
b. If the “Global” setting outlined above is not used, additional signature capture can be toggled on for each run log.
NOTE: This new feature is an option of additional signatures (2 are already available on the standard run log) if your organization requires more than the included 2.
11/22/2023 – Check in/out Software Change
Issue: We’ve had a lot of customers complain that they have thousands of Checkouts that they do that are permanent and they do not want the Checkouts staying open.
Solution: We’ve answered their concerns by simply saying that “if there is no return date, then auto close the checkout. If you simply put in any date—then checkouts will remain open.
NOTE: We highly recommend using the proper return dates for the checkouts as any “other” date will throw off reports, etc.