Menominee Clinic and EMS to use RFID for Medical Supplies
Menominee Clinic and EMS to use RFID for Medical supplies
Menominee Clinic and EMS. The Silent Partner solution continues to broaden its reach with respect to markets. While hospitals and clinics have not been a big part of Silent Partners targeted customer base—organizations such as Summa Health and Menominee are finding that RFID can dramatically improve their visibility and efficiency as it relates to the tracking of their Consumable Inventory and Key Assets.
Summa Health is an integrated nonprofit healthcare delivery system that provides coordinated, value-based care across the continuum for the people and populations we serve. Summa Health – headquartered in Akron, Ohio – is one of the largest integrated healthcare delivery systems in the state. Formed in 1989 with the merger of Akron City and St. Thomas Hospitals, the nonprofit system has 8,000+ employees; nearly 1,000 credentialed physicians; and buildings and facilities totaling more than 3 million square feet across all campuses.
For Summa Health there were a couple of key areas where they needed help—Test Tube Carriers kept getting miss placed or lost, and the same for their Golf Cart style transports. The Tube Carriers now are tracked with the Silent Partner Cellular RFID Reader (they did not want anything on their local network) and the Golf Carts via GPS. They’re thrilled with the solution and looking at potentially tracking Vendors as they come into certain buildings.
The Menominee Tribal Rescue Service provides Basic and Advanced Life Support Services. Some of the more common services include conducting a patient survey/exam, gathering medical history information, administration of oxygen and other medications, application of bandaging and splints, caring for injured patients using various types of equipment, and transport to a medical facility when needed. Our service responds to a wide variety of illnesses and injuries. Some of the ways the injuries occur are by motor vehicle accidents, four-wheelers, bicycles, boating, rafting, falls or other accidents at home, work, school, the casino, and other public places, and the second party-inflicted violence. Some of the more common medical illness-related calls include cardiac chest pain, stroke, diabetes, respiratory problems, high fever mainly in children, and a number of chronic illnesses As for Menomonie, there are two separate departments that are benefiting from the solution—the local clinic who’s using the system to manage their consumable inventory and the clinics EMS department who is also using it for the management of their consumable inventory.
While most if not all clients take a while to fully comprehend the wonders of RFID & IoT (Internet of Things), once they are able to see it, touch it, use it—there’s simply no going back to the dark ages of manual entry, or even a barcode. From Smart Warehouses to Smart Rooms, Smart Vehicles and beyond…RFID & IoT are here to stay!