MITRE Corporation, a systems engineering and advance technology company, selects Silent Partner Technologies'(SPT) RFID Real-time Locator System (RTLS) solution for its operation. After many months of research for a cost effective method to track and locate assets throughout the Bedford facility, MITRE selected the SPT Real Time RFID Tracking asset locator and tracking solution for it’s simplicity in implementation and the enormous range coverage (500 Meters in open space, with standard antenna).

A key component of the solution is the active RFID tag. The tag can be “put to sleep” until the need for inventory information inquiry or update. This judicious use of the battery in the tag prolongs the life of the tag and minimizing “any noise” just to those few seconds when an inventory takes place. The SPT solution uses the core functionality of Real Time RFID Tracking Technology (very little to go wrong, not sensitive to changes in environment like most other RFID RTLS solutions), and very cost effective.
The pilot project requires tracking of critical equipment for calibration. But as in all testing operations, tools and equipment move and the real challenge is to know “where is my stuff”? The SPT RFID application provides a simple and effective tracking RTLS. As products move from room to room, the system is updated with last location. If user wants to see where the item has been over a week, then they simply run a query or print a report to do so. The solution can also be used in conjunction with short range passive RFID PDAs and/or portals, and associated low cost RFID tags.